Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Raident wrasse
This is a very nice wrasse. They live among other fish on coral reefs and outer lagoons. They are a good 12.0cm long. They are found in the western pacific ocean. Thats were you can always find them. They are harmless to humans but not to other fish. They eat small fish and other things like clams and sea aurtiants. They look pretty nice, they are red with lots of colors on them which make them lookm very nice.
Green wrasse
This picture above is called a twinspott coris. The color on this fish is black and white. This fish is very shaped very diffrent. This fish is very big. This fish is 120cm long. They are a tropical fish. They live on lagoons and outer reefs. They eat small fish algea and many more things. They swim alone. They can hurt humans easly. They are found in the indo pacific ocean Thats all.
Monday, November 21, 2011
Dragon wrasse
This is another big fish. This fish is 30.0cm long. This is a tropiocal fish and is also a marine fish. This fish has cool colors all over it. This fish is mainly black and white. They are found in the indo west pacific ocean. They swim in pairs. They are also harmless to humans but not to other fishes. They live below reefs. They swim below the sandy bottom.
Golden wrasse
Rainbow wrasse.
This is a rainbow wrasse it has diffrent colors all over it That's why it's called the rainbow wrasse. This fish is 17.0cm long. This fish is a tropical fish and is a marine fish. They are found in the indo pacific. This fish is very cool looking also by all the shades of colors. They are found in clear outer lagoons reefs. They are exsposed in shallow areas. They mainly feed on small fishes. They are harmless to humans. They kill other fishes. They lay eggs in corl reefs.
Red coris
Wow a pretty larg fish with a nice color on it. This fish has like a grayish blackish color on it. This fish is 40.0cm long which is vey common for this fish. This is a tropical fish and is alo a marine fish.. This fish is found in the pacific ocean. They are found in areas of mix corals. This fish feeds on crabs and small clam fish and small fish. They are harmless to humans ussaly. This fish does has posion though so it is a bit harmless. So thats all.
Moon wrasse
Ok This is a big fish. This fish is 45.0cm long. You have something big if you catch this fish. This fish has cool colors all over it. This fish color is green pinkish or red color with blue on it. This is a subtropical fish. This fish is found in the indo west pacific. This fish is found in outer lagoons and seaward reefs. This fish eats small fishes and also fish eggs. That must be yummy to this fish. One more thing this fish is harmless to humans.
Five bar wrasse
Alright this fish looks kind of weird because of the shape of it's body. This fish has many colors on it. The colors it has is like a red green and blue color on it. This is a tropical fish and is also marine fish. This fish is found in the weastern pacific ocean. They live on seaward reefs. This fish is also harmless to humans.
Flame wrasse
This flame back wrasse is only 10.0cm long. Thats pretty small for a wrasse. This wrasse looks pretty nice it sticks out from all the other fishes. This fish is red with white on it. The flame wrasse sticks out from all the other fish i have seen because of it's color on it. This wrasse is tropical and is also a marine fish. They are found on seaward reefs. They are found in the eastern pacific ocean.
Choat's wrasse
This fish i9s kind of small of the others wrasse I have wrote about. This wrasse is only 7.6 cm long. This wrasse is a subtropical fish not a tropical wrasse. They are found on seaward reefs swimming below the water. They are found in the western pacific ocean. This fish has a cool color on it. This fish is brown and white which stands out from the other fish. They are also harmless to humans. They eat small fishes and many other things.
Cocktail wrasse
This is another big fish. This fish is 20.0cm long. Theses wrasse fish are very huge fish. This fish is tropical. Most of wrasse are tropical and some are subtropical. This wrasse is also found in the Indo-West Pacific ocean living on weeding bottoms. They also eat small fishes and many more things. They harmless to humans. These fish are seen alot if you are fishing . Many people eat these fish but they dont taste very good.
Banana Wrasse
This is a nice green looking fish. This fish is a big fish. This fish is 30.cm long in lenth. They are known to be big. This fish is a subtropical fish not tropical. This fish is also a marine fish. They are found in the indo west pacific. This fish looks green with dorsal spines going through the middle of it's back. They live on seaward reefs and also outer lagoons. They feed on shrimp and small fish and lots of other things. This fish is harmless to humans.
Amblygobius Hectori
This fish is a very small fish. It's only 8.5cm long.This is a tropical fish and is also a marine fish. They are found in the red sea and many more places all over the world. This fish is green with white srtipes going through it. They inhabite in inner reefs. They eat on algea. They like to live on seaward bottoms. One more thing they are harmless to humans
Gobiodon Histrio
This is the coolest fish I have seen by far. It has red lines going through it's body with a green color all over it. This fish looks very big on the picture but it is very small. This fish is only 3.5cm long. This is a tropical fish and is also a marine fish. They are found in the indo west pacific. They eat algea. This fish is also harmless to humans. They live in corals with other creatures. They like swimming along not with other fishes.
Amblygobius Phalaena
Ok these fishes look like little sharks but weird looking. They have diffrent colors on their body. They are like black gray white and yellow. They are 15.0cm long. This fish is also marine fish and are tropical. They are found in the pacific ocean living on reefs and outer laggons reefs. They eay algea. They swim in pairs. They put their eggs in burrows That are tended by the male mom or the female mom. These fishes are harmless to humans.
Lythrypnus Dalli
This Fish is called the bluebanded Goby. This fish body is red with blue streaks going through it.It also has a blue cirle going round its eye. They are 6.4cm long. This fish is not tropical it's subtropical and is also a marine fish. This fish is found in the Eastern pacific ocean on reefs hiding in holes. These fishes mainly feed on small crustaceans.The males guard eggs not the males. One more thing they are harmless to humans.
Opistognathus Rosenblatti
Also another good looking fish. This fish looks very cool. It has blue spotts all over it. That why they call it the blue spotted jaw fish. This fish is 10.cm long. Thats a nice size for a small fish. They are tropical fishes and are also marine fishes. They are found in the eastern central pacific ocean on seaward reefs. They eat zooplakton. These fishes swim in large colonies not by there selves. They are also harmless to humans.
Cryptocentrus Pavoninoides
This is a nice gobie.This gobie is 15.0cm long in length.They are marine and tropical fishes. They are found in the weastern pacific ocean living on Seaward reefs. This fish is a pretty nice size but does not have that much color on it. This fish eats zooplakton and algea abd also many more things.This fish is yellow with a dirty white color on it. I think it sticks out from the other fishes.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Monday, November 14, 2011
Lemonpeel Angelfish
Keyhole Angelfish
Half-Black Angelfish
Now this fish has a nice color to it. They are black and white. This fish is the average size 12.0 cm long. They are tropical and are also marine fish. They are found in the Western Pacific ocean living on seaward reefs and lagoons. These fishes are harmless to humans but may be harmless to other fishes. People also call this fish pearlscale angle fish because of the scales all over it's body.
Golden Angelfish
This fish is like a golden color but a plain one. It is 10.0 cm long which is a nice size. They are found in the Western Pacific ocean living on seaward reefs and on lagoons. They feed on brime shrimp and many more things. They are harmless to humans. They say these fishes are hard to breed because of the colors on them. These fish could also be kept as a pet in a tank.
Flame Angel fish
This fish looks like it came out of fire. This fish is red hot, fire hot with black streaks going through it's body. From the inside of it's body it looks like fire is in their. This fish is only 15.0 cm and is harmless to humans but does look harmless to me. They are found in pacific ocean on seaward reefs. They also feed on algea.
Fishers Angelfish
They call this the orange fish for a reason. Look at the color on it. They are 6.0cm long. Also are tropical and marine fish.They have a rare orange color on their body. They are found in the Eastern Central Pacific but are banned from so places all around the world but i dont know from where. They are also found on rubble areas.
Fireball Angelfish
I like this fish also, I like all the colors on it. It has a orange head and blue body. This fish is 7.5 cm long. These are topical and marine fish. This fish does not swim in large groups. Males guard their eggs from preditors. Their eggs hacth quickly. They are harmless to humans. They are found in the Western Atlantic ocean. One more thing they feed on algea..
Fibl's Angelfish
This fish is very nice looking to, it has red stripes going through it and the body is all white, this fish looks like a tiger to me. This fish is also 15.0 cm thats a nice size. They are also tropical and marine fish. They are found in the Indo-West Pacific ocean on lagoons and seaward reefs. They feed on algea and zooplankton. This is a fish i never really seen before but is nice seeing it.
Coral Beauty Angelfish
Wow just look at this fish,look at the color on this fish. This fish is all red with black stripes going through the the body of this fish. This angelfish looks pretty rare. This fish is 10.0 cm long. They are found in the IndoPacific ocean on lagoons and seaward reefs. This fish feeds on algea and many more things. These fish could be kept as pets because they are marine fish too.
Cherub angelfish
This fish is the most popular fish so far. This fish is found in the weastern Alantic ocean. This fish is 8.0 cm long so far. They are harmless to humans. This fish lives on seaward reefs and outer lagoons. This fish has a nice orange desingne going through the middle of it's body with a blue color on the side of it's body also. This fish eats algea. It has a defense with other fish. When this fish is frightened and runs swims into little holes to hide.
Bluefin Angelfish
This is another nice looking fish just look at all the colors on it. These colors are like a pattern on it and it is shaped nice. This fish is 14.0 cm long which is a nice size for it. They are a tropical fish and are found in Indo-West Pacific ocean on lagoons and coral rich areas. They eat algea and many more things. They normaly swim alone they are never in large groups. I'ts hard to tell what color this fish is but it is brown,black, and also blue.
Bicolor Angel fish
This fish gets up to 6 inches in length. This fish also lives up to 5-10 years long. You can find this fish in indo-pacific near Japan down to Australia . This fish can be aggressive with others. If you want this fish as a pet you can feed it fish food. This fish lives on outer reefs. This fish is harmless to humans. They live on outer reef slopes and lagoons. This fish has a nice yellow blue color to it which looks very nice.
African Flameback Angelfish
This fish is 7.5 centimeters in length. This fish is also adored by human beings. This fish is found around the western coast of Africa and are collected from Kenyan coast. They are deep blue with a yellow orange on their back. They also inhabit in coral rubble and it lives in groups. This fish is a good looking fish it can light up a aquarium.This fish is also harmless to humans and are a tropical fish. This fish looks pretty neon to me.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Fiji Blue Devil Damselfish
Javanese Damselfish
People call this the blue streak fish for a reason just look at it's body and all the colors going through it. The streaks on it's body looks like neon colors are going through it. It also has a yellow strip going through the middle of it's body to. This fish is found in the Western Central Pacific ocean living on lagoons and outer reef shores.Males guard their eggs. They are harmless to humans, but not to other fish. Another fact about this fish is that they die during paring and that's all.
Reticulated Damselfish
Now this fish is a good fish to talk about. This fish is 9.0cm long. This fish is harmless to humans an is also a tropical marine fish. You can find this fish in the Pacific Ocean. They live in seaward reefs and also outer lagoons. They inhabit branching coral heads and many more things. These fish are so smart that they build their own nest for their eggs. This fish is brown and white. This fish is very good looking, it has a brown strip going through the middle of it's face.
Blue reef chromis
This fish is lives in the Western Atlantic ocean on outer reefs. They are tropical fishes and are harmless to humans. Males guard their eggs until they hatch. This fish is a light blue color. This blue color looks very nice on this fish. You can buy this fish from stores and other places.
Jewel Damselfish
This fish is 21.0 cm long This is a pretty larg fish more bigger than other fishes. This is the nicest fish I have seen so far. this fish has colors spotted all over it's body that makes it look jeweled. You can find this fish in the Western Atlantic ocean on coral reefs living. The die during paring also males guard their eggs from the bad fishes. They live in caves and wholes they like to stay in the dark
Blue damsel
Wow this is a colorful fish. It is a Bright dark blue with yellow on it's tail. This fish also looks very rare. This fish is harmless to humans and also is a tropical fidh and is a marine fish. These fish live in the Indo-West Pacific on outer lagoons.If you see this fish you would probably want it as a pet. These fish eat algae, pelagic tunicates and copepods and many more things.
Half Blue damselfish.
This is another nice looking fish it has a lower orange red on the lower part of it's body and the upper part of it's body is blue. This fish looks very rare. It has fins going through the middle of it's body. This fish is 7.o cm long and is harmless to humans and is a tropical fish also a marine fish. You can find this fish in the Indo-West Pacific ocen living on lagoons and near shore reefs. Males guard their eggs and are very protective.
Blue and gold Damselfish
This fish is 9.0 cm long. This is also a harmless fish. They are tropical and could be used as a pet. They are found in the Indo-Pacific. This fish has a nice blue color to it which makes it look very nice and colorful. They live on seaward reefs and eat zooplankton .People all around the world admire this fish alot.
Black and white chromis
Talbot's demoiselle
This fish is 6.0 cm which is a really good size. This fish is a tropical fish and is a marine fish.You can really find this fish in the Western Pacific ocean, living on inhabit coral-rich areas all around the world. This fish is very nice looking to.This fish looks has a yellow head and a blackish red body. This fish is a harmless fish to humans which is a good thing because some fish are dangrouse.
Friday, November 11, 2011
Smith's damsel
This fish is 7.0 cm long.This fish is white with a little blue. This is a tropical fish and is found in is found in the Western Central Pacific ocean which looks very nice. They are found on lagoons and live on coral patches, also their eggs are demersal. This is also a nice looking fish. One more thing they are harmless to students.
Honey head Damselfish
This fish is 17.0 cm long. This fish looks very nice, this fish is orange and white looks so good. This fish is a tropical fish. They are found in the Indo-West Pacific ocean living on lagoons and coastal reefs. These fish die during paring, also their eggs are dermarsel.
Three striped Damselfish
This fish is 10.0 cm long. This fish is harmless to humans. This fish looks very nice. It has a white body with black streaks going through it's whole body which is pretty nice. This fish lives in the Indo-West Pacific ocean. In shallow lagoon and subtidal reef flats. These fish protect their eggs very well, and when they guard their eggs they are really very aggressive against other fish.
Sergeant Major Damselfish
This fish is 22.9 cm long. This fish is harmless to humans. This is also a nice looking fish. It has black streak lines going through it and also has some yellow and white on it's body. You can find this fish in the alantic Ocean where they live. The live on shallow reef tops. These fish really eat algae. They also distinct pairing during breeding . These fish also eat diffrent things.
Yellow tail blue Damsel
This fish is 7.0 cm long. This fish is harmless to people. This fish looks very colorful and bright. This fish is blue and yellow. This fish is also found in the Western Pacific, where coral rich areas are. They live on lagoons.Males guard and aerate the eggs to protect them.
Black Mouth chromis
The black mouth chromis is 13.0 cm long. This fish is harmless to humans and are also tropical fishes. You can really find these fishes in the Indo-West Pacific where they live. This fish looks yellow and orange with fins going through the middle of it's back. You can find this fish in lagoons and outer reefs. The male fishes guard their eggs.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Green chromis
Threespot damsel
This fish is 7.5 cm long. They are a tropical fish too and are Marine fishes. This fish is found in Indo-West Pacific. This fishhas a dull greenish black species with a small black saddle-spot on the caudal peduncle, edged with blue. Juveniles with a blue-edged ocelli . They are also harmeless to humans. The adults inhabit shallow bays. Males guard the eggs.
Blacktail Damselfish
This fish is 18.0 cm in length. It is also a tropical fish. This fish is found in Western Central Pacific. This fish also has a black blotch in the caudal fin base separates this species from all other. The adults inhabit protected coastal areas often around docks or breakwaters. They are harmless to humans. Males guard their eggs and also their eggs are demersal and adhere to the substrate.
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