Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Raident wrasse

This is a very nice wrasse. They live among other fish on coral reefs and outer lagoons. They are a good 12.0cm long. They are found in the western pacific ocean. Thats were you can always find them. They are harmless to humans but not to other fish. They eat small fish and other things like clams and sea aurtiants. They look pretty nice, they are red with lots of colors on them which make them lookm very nice.

Green wrasse

This green wrasse is 19.0cm long. This fish looks kind of big. This fish is a green color. This color green looks like a neon color. This fish eats little things. This fish is a tropical fish and is also a marine fish. They are found in the western pacific ocean. Thats where you can only see these fishes at. They live on outer reefs and on rubble areas at the bottom of the sea floor. They feed on small see food like other fish clams and many more things, These are nice looking fish overall.
This picture above is called a twinspott coris. The color on this fish is black and white. This fish is very shaped very diffrent. This fish is very big. This fish is 120cm long. They are a tropical fish. They live on lagoons and outer reefs. They eat small fish algea and many more things. They swim alone. They can hurt humans easly. They are found in the indo pacific ocean Thats all.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Dragon wrasse

This is another big fish. This fish is 30.0cm long. This is a tropiocal fish and is also a marine fish. This fish has cool colors all over it. This fish is mainly black and white. They are found in the indo west pacific ocean. They swim in pairs. They are also harmless to humans but not to other fishes. They live below reefs. They swim below the sandy bottom.

Golden wrasse

This fish is super yellow like a bright yellow. The lenth of this fish is 12.0cm long. They are tropical fishes and marine fishes. The are fouind in the Eastern indian ocean. They eat algea and more things. They are foun d on seaward reefs swimming around. They are found in groups. They are harmless to humans. They like to mate. They lay their eggs in holes.

Rainbow wrasse.

This is a rainbow wrasse it has diffrent colors all over it That's why it's called the rainbow wrasse. This fish is 17.0cm long. This fish is a tropical fish and is a marine fish. They are found in the indo pacific. This fish is very cool looking also by all the shades of colors. They are found in clear outer lagoons reefs. They are exsposed in shallow areas. They mainly feed on small fishes. They are harmless to humans. They kill other fishes. They lay eggs in corl reefs.

Red coris

Wow a pretty larg fish with a nice color on it. This fish has like a grayish blackish color on it. This fish is 40.0cm long which is vey common for this fish. This is a tropical fish and is alo a marine fish.. This fish is found in the pacific ocean. They are found in areas of mix corals. This fish feeds on crabs and small clam fish and small fish. They are harmless to humans ussaly. This fish does has posion though so it is a bit harmless. So thats all.